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Home / Termoformatura / Imbio 72M
IMBio 72 M is a biodegradable and compostable compound, with high thermal resistance, suitable for the thermoforming process. It has an ivory color, but has a lower fluidity index than Compared to IMBio 70 A and IMBio 72 M (s), which makes it suitable for the thermoforming process for the production, for example, of compostable plates and glasses . Like all products of the IMBio line, it is certified according to the UNI EN: 13432: 2002 standard.
Application Sectors
Biodegradability and compostability certifications
All grades are certified according to the main European and international standards by Certification Bodies. These certifications guarantee the biodegradation of 72M in different disposal environments: industrial composting, domestic composting and soil biodegradation.
In the bioplastics sector, the European standard UNI EN 13432 is the most important technical reference for material producers, public authorities, composters, certifiers and consumers. UNI EN 13432 defines the four characteristics that a compostable material must have to be recycled through organic recovery (composting and anaerobic digestion):